Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jose Canseco professes love for Gaga on Twitter

Former ball player Jose Canseco is in the mood for some "Bad Romance."
“I love lady gaga wish I could meet her. would marry her in a second,” he tweeted on Monday, the same day Gaga released her third album, “Born This Way.”
We’re not sure if Canseco has picked up a copy of the album yet, but we do know he’s been listening.
“Her song ‘Judas’ is what we fight with everyday since we are born evil,” he wrote.
Other gems include, “I am her night [sic] in baseball armor” and “she is the queen.”
But, from the looks of Canseco’s last tweet - “Lady gaga where r u did u get my marriage proposal I am at cocoa casino in yuma Arizona” - it’s not looking good for him.
This isn’t the first time the athlete has been linked (one-sided or not) to a pop sensation.
According to Canseco’s 2008 biography “Vindicated,” in the early ‘90s, while he was married to first wife Esther Haddad, Madonna propositioned him to marry her and father her child.
Though he says he was never interested in the Material Girl, there’s a good chance he enjoyed her music.
Some listeners have made comparisons between Gaga’s “Born This Way” and Madge’s “Express Yourself” - among other similarities.

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